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Postano: 19 svi 2008 01:34 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 16. 02. 2006. Postovi: 409 Lokacija: Sarajevo
evega... mozda bude nesto da valja Razz Twisted Evil
Karizma mi se nije svidjela Embarassed bio sam mlad...
a Tvajlajta nisam jo� stigao pogledati Embarassed

Japanese Contemporary Film Week (30th May � 5th June 2008) in Kinoteka

30th May 2008 (Friday): �Always� (ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日)
31st May 2008 (Saturday): �The Stars Converge� (チルソクの夏)
1st June 2008 (Sunday): �Billiken� (ビリケン)
2nd June 2008 (Monday): �Turn over � An angel is coming on a bicycle� (二人日和)
3rd June 2008 (Tuesday): �Charisma� (カリスマ)
4th June 2008 (Wednesday): �The Twilight Samurai� (たそがれ清兵衛)
5th June 2008 (Thursday): �2/Duo� (2/デュオ)

Sedmica japanskog savremenog filma (30. maj � 5. juni 2008.) u Kinoteci

30. maj 2008. (petak): �Uvijek� (ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日)
31. maj 2008. (subota): ��aptanje zvijezda� (チルソクの夏)
01. juni 2008. (nedjelja): �Billiken� (ビリケン)
02. juni 2008. (ponedjeljak): �Okreni se � an�eo sti�e na biciklu� (二人日和)
03. juni 2008. (utorak): �Karizma� (カリスマ)
04. juni 2008. (srijeda): �Samuraj Sumrak� (たそがれ清兵衛)
05. juni 2008. (�etvrtak): �2/Duo� (2/デュオ)

The entrance for all 7 days is free of charge but due to the limited number of seats tickets are required. You can easily obtain them at the entrance of Kinoteka on the day of screening of the film you want to see.

All films are in Japanese with English and Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian subtitles.


�Always� (2005)

Director: Takashi YAMAZAKI
Duration: 133 min.
Cast: Maki Horikita, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Shin�ichi Tsutsumi

Set in Tokyo, �Always� describes the scenes from a neighborhood lying almost in the shadow of the Tokyo Tower as it rises during construction in 1958. A teenage Mutsuko starts working in a small auto repair shop owned by Norifumi Suzuki whose son Ippei immediately bonds with Mutsuko. Together with other characters � an abandoned child Junnosuke, a struggling writer and a sake bar hostess � they strive to better themselves as Japan continues to emerge from the shadow of war.

�The Stars Converge� (2003)

Director: Kiyoshi SASABE
Duration: 114 min.
With: Mizutani Yuri, Ueno Juri, Katsura Asami, Mimura Takayo

In l977 in the port city of Shimonoseki, Ikuko is an entrant in a track and field meet being held as an event with South Korean sister city Pusan. There she meets and falls in love with South Korean boy An Tei Hou, a fellow high jump competitor. A year later on the day of the Tanabata festival, the young lovers are reunited and vow to meet again in four years time. Kiyoshi Sasabe directs this nostalgic cross-culture love story that resonates with popular songs from the late 1970s.

�Billiken� (1996)

Director: Junji SAKAMOTO
Duration: 100 min.
Cast: Sugimoto Tetta, Gan Ryutaro, Kishibe Ittoku, Minakata Eiji

Hoping to revitalize the city, Osaka business leaders have selected its working class entertainment district Shinsekai as the site for their proposal to host the 2008 Olympic Games. The local business community discusses revitalizing Shinsekai to the degree it will be too valuable to destroy, but all their ideas are corny and out of date. They make up the ''Seven Wonders of Tsutenkaku Tower'' and try to stage them in the dark of night, but all they end up doing is causing a blackout. But things change when they find an old box containing the wooden statue of Billiken, a cute little god who was popular around the world before the war.

�Turn over � An angel is coming on a bicycle� (2004)

Director: Keiichi NOMURA
Duration: 113 min.
Cast: Shiho Fujimura, Asahi Kurizuka, Toshiki Kashu

Gen is an elderly artisan who makes clothes for the royal family and Shinto priests while living in an old neighborhood in Kyoto. Gen asks a young student magician Shunsuke to put on a magic show to cheer up his wife Chie who is suffering from a serious disease. Shunsuke becomes a regular visitor until Chie collapses and is taken to hospital�

�Charisma� (2000)

Director: Kiyoshi KUROSAWA
Duration: 103 min.
Cast: Yakusho Koji, Ikeuchi Hiroyuki, Fubuki Jun

Yabuike is a police detective accidentally responsible for a hostage's death. On leave until the scandal dies down, he makes his way to a mountain forest where he discovers a single tree with a medical life-support system around it. It � named Charisma � is the center of a battle between Kiriyama, a young man who wants to save it, and Jimbo, a botanist, who sees it as a monster that will destroy the forest.

�The Twilight Samurai� (2002)

Director: Yoji YAMADA
Duration: 129 min.
Cast: Hiroyuki Sanada, Rie Miyazawa, Tetsuro Tanba

Low-ranking samurai Iguchi Seibei is a widower, barely supporting his two young children and old senile mother on his meager salary. Every evening at twilight, he goes directly home after work to take in other jobs, declining all offers of drinking and feasting with superiors and colleagues. His coworkers call him Twilight Seibei behind his back. One day, Seibei saves Tomoe, a childhood sweetheart, from her husband's violent blows. Taking notice of his swordsmanship, the superiors of his clan order him to assassinate a certain samurai. The film was nominated in the category for the Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards in 2004.

�2/Duo� (1996)

Director: Nobuhiro SUWA
Duration: 90 min.
Cast: Eri Yu, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Makiko Watanabe

Yu is a shopkeeper girl in a boutique. She lives with Kei, an underachieving actor. They make a quarrel on a trifle, and the next day, Kei suddenly asks Yu to marry him. Confused by the proposal she begins to wonder what kind of person she really is. Kei doesn't know what to do with Yu who has lost the balance of her mind. One day, she disappears. Yu starts her journey to regain herself through the hours of two who don't leave from each other and don't come close either.
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku
Postano: 19 svi 2008 02:57 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 15. 08. 2006. Postovi: 52
pa to je vac malo bolje Laughing Embarassed

btw, a ako se zadesite u tokiju, tu su Dani EU filma Laughing Razz
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku
Postano: 19 svi 2008 03:02 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 06. 02. 2006. Postovi: 462 Lokacija: Pozega
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

| A r m i n i o |

[Arminio's DVD Chushpajz]
DVD-i u redu za gledanje: Godmonster Of Indian Flats, S. Katzman's boxset...
Trenutno citam: titlove Smile
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku Posjetite Web stranice
Dr. West
Postano: 19 svi 2008 06:03 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 22. 09. 2007. Postovi: 18 Lokacija: Sarajevo
Ima li iko kakvih preporuka sto se tice ovih Japanaca?

Dan Cain: He's dead?
Herbert West: Not anymore.
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku Posjetite Web stranice MSNM
Postano: 19 svi 2008 10:09 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 16. 02. 2006. Postovi: 409 Lokacija: Sarajevo
ja �u gledati karizmu ponovo... a nekako mi �ao da ne gledam Tvajlajta na DVDu jer je bio poklon Embarassed Crying or Very sad

2/Duo izgleda dobro...
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku
Postano: 21 svi 2008 06:24 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 06. 08. 2007. Postovi: 37
Dr. West je napisao/la:
Ima li iko kakvih preporuka sto se tice ovih Japanaca?

ja kao fan od Koyuki preporu�ujem Always - sunset on 3rd street
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku
Postano: 26 svi 2008 11:53 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 04. 02. 2006. Postovi: 752
�Charisma� mi je najbolji Kiyoshijev film. Pa to preporu�ujem... Smile

"Ako �elim biti ozbiljan, odem spavati."
"Va�nije mi je da se dobro zabavim snimaju�i nego da film ima ikakvog smisla."
- Takashi Miike


God is an imaginary friend for adults.
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku Posjetite Web stranice
Postano: 6 lip 2008 11:23 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 16. 02. 2006. Postovi: 409 Lokacija: Sarajevo
od japanskih sam gledao Biliken = smor
Samuraj = masterpis remek djelo sad mi �ao �to prije nisam gledao

Karizma... opet isto Laughing nije my cup of tea ocito

a sto se tice Tashmagedona

tridesetak ljudi... odli�na zabava i jedan jedini Toxic avenger
kako se razlikuje gledanje filma u dru�tvu od gledanja u samo�i sobe

jedva �ekam dalje Tromine... i kasnije horor naslove Cool Cool Cool

Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku
Postano: 7 lip 2008 02:34 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 04. 02. 2006. Postovi: 752
kao i svi Tromini filmovi! Smile

Truba je napisao/la:
Toxic avenger
kako se razlikuje gledanje filma u dru�tvu od gledanja u samo�i sobe

"Ako �elim biti ozbiljan, odem spavati."
"Va�nije mi je da se dobro zabavim snimaju�i nego da film ima ikakvog smisla."
- Takashi Miike


God is an imaginary friend for adults.
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku Posjetite Web stranice
Postano: 9 lip 2008 02:56 Citirajte i odgovorite
Pridru�en/a: 06. 02. 2006. Postovi: 462 Lokacija: Pozega
Truba je napisao/la:
tridesetak ljudi... odli�na zabava i jedan jedini Toxic avenger
kako se razlikuje gledanje filma u dru�tvu od gledanja u samo�i sobe

jedva �ekam dalje Tromine... i kasnije horor naslove Cool Cool Cool

Troma je stvorena za drustvo! Jedno od najboljih kino iskustava ikad mi je bio na projekciji Poutlrygeista na Grossmanu... Kolektivno ludilo! Laughing Laughing Laughing

| A r m i n i o |

[Arminio's DVD Chushpajz]
DVD-i u redu za gledanje: Godmonster Of Indian Flats, S. Katzman's boxset...
Trenutno citam: titlove Smile
Korisnièki profil Pošaljite privatnu poruku Posjetite Web stranice

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